It’s the middle of summer. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the grass is growing, the beach is calling, the kiddos are home, and you are enjoying summer in Michigan. Then you remember you were going to workout every day for 30 minutes and schedule more relaxation time for yourself. How are you doing with that? Are you making these a priority or are you making excuses and justifying why you aren’t doing these things?
Your WHY behind your intentions can be extremely helpful in following through with actions. When you are tired, unmotivated, or indifferent, tap into your WHY. Why did you want to accomplish this goal in the first place? If your why isn’t strong enough, you won’t complete the task. Focus on what you want to achieve with a very strong WHY! If your why isn’t strong, the task really isn’t that important to you. This isn’t judgement, it’s fact. You accomplish the goals you really want.
Think back in your life to a goal you REALLY wanted that you DID achieve. Remind yourself how you made the necessary steps a priority in your life. You made sacrifices, you disregarded excuses, you allowed yourself to be fueled with the idea of achieving this goal you set out to accomplish. You can do hard things!! You are truly capable, and you have all the tools you need within you to reach the goals you set in front of you! The questions are, “Do you REALLY want to achieve this goal?” “Is it the right goal for you at this stage of your life?” “Have you tapped into the motivating WHY?”
So WHY did you plan to prioritize your workouts or “me-time”? To improve overall health? To gain more energy? To keep up with your kiddos? To create a more positive mindset? Remember your WHY! It will take you beyond your limitations or excuses and unhealthy habits. Your why will give you inspiration, motivation, and empower you to move forward in achieving your goals. This intention is always within reach. Just tap into it, receive it, and allow it to do its magic.
If this concept excites you in any way, I invite you to consider participating in our Are You Enough? Program which guides you in a discovery of self-acceptance, self-love, positive body image and happiness. Our next session of this 8- week course runs Tuesdays Sept 19-Nov 14, 6:30-7:45pm. No class on Halloween, Oct. 31. For women only. See Raeanne, email Raeanne at raeannen@comcast.net or call the studio at 616.551.8651 for more information. It could be life changing for you and your WHY!