Have you ever needed to take action on something, only to reply to yourself, “One day I’ll begin”? In saying this to yourself, how long does it take you to start? When is the “One Day”? When is the perfect time? What holds us back from starting? Time? Money? Another excuse?
I challenge you to think of today as being “Day One” of whatever you are going after. Starting is the hardest part. You woke up today. That’s a gift to make today “Day One”! It doesn’t have to be a giant step, but just a little action can start the ball rolling towards the goal you have been avoiding. BEGIN! Allow yourself to take that first step towards your goal. Allow those emotions of taking some action fuel you to keep going!
If moving your body, eating better, or focusing on self-care are in your collection of “One Day”, allow Get emPowered Fitness to help you with our 21-Day Challenge on Facebook. Each day accomplish an easy challenge for points. During each week accomplish a weekly and BONUS challenge to earn even more points to win BIG prizes. The details are on our Facebook page found here. It’s only $25 to participate. The challenge runs May 5-May 25. Click here to purchase, call the studio at 616.551.8651or use your MindBody app to purchase.
Are you going to continue to reply to yourself, “One day”? or are you going to take action and make May 5 your “Day One”?