When you decide to run a marathon, how do you start? You don’t go out and run 26.2 miles as fast as you can. But we tend to think we can do that when we set a new goal. We want and expect to achieve our goal in an instant. When we do this, one of two things happen. We either get burned out because we have depleted our energy or we get injured because our bodies aren’t ready for the demand we are asking of it. We also tend to forget that most of our growth in learning about ourselves comes from the process rather than the accomplishment itself.
Here at GEFS, we train our clients with a progressive level teaching style. We start with the base of the move and progressively make it more difficult. This way we can teach to all levels in a safe and effective way. We don’t try to sprint the marathon. We focus on moving forward with solid form and awareness to allow the body to adapt to the movement and progress as it is ready. We all are learning and growing together in a safe, effective and energizing environment.
So, would you rather train and prepare for the marathon? Or sprint the marathon? The choice is always yours.