As I continue reflecting on TIME this year, I am recognizing how much time I waste. So, I have decided to become more mindful of what I am feeding my brain. I am purging the unnecessary, harmful, wasteful garbage from my daily living. I notice how much time I waste on social media, just scrolling, with no intention or purpose. I watch tv and movies that don’t entertain me and sometimes create unnecessary anxiety. I mindlessly play games or watch reels on my phone…all wasting time that I could use for productive, enjoyable, satisfying activities.
I invite you to identify where you are wasting time and take action. Feed your mind and emotions with good, purposeful, entertaining activities to avoid using the phrase, “I will never get that time back.” Once you lose time, you can never get it back. Take this opportunity to become more productive by assessing how you spend your time and discerning which activities you want to purge and which you choose to keep. Then do it!
Let’s make 2025 a year of mindfulness, intention, and choosing how we want to spend our time feeding and empowering our minds and souls! Be present and fulfilled!