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    The other day I was questioning why do some emPeeps fade away after a short time with us and why others remain committed and loyal to their workouts with GEFS. So, I asked a few of our emPeeps their thoughts on the concept of commitment. The two major responses I received were: Those who faded away usually were training to meet a goal for an event or timeline; A child’s wedding, a big trip, hiking in Europe, 50 th birthday, etc. Once the goal or event was met, the training was no longer needed, and they faded away. Those who remained committed train for long-term health and wellness; and a better quality of life. They have become aware of the benefits of training with GEFS: ....

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  • Sustainability


    Sustainability is a hot topic today. Sustainability is defined as “the ability of something to endure over time”. We think about it in terms of our environmental health and economic vitality. But have you ever thought about sustainability when it comes to YOUR health and well-being? Do you have regular daily practices that your 80–90-year-old self will thank you for? If not, maybe it’s time you do. At Get emPowered Fitness, we focus on sustainable, functional movement that transfers to your everyday life. We encourage stretch therapy, massage therapy, Yoga, and Active Recovery classes for recovery and restorative care. We use positive, empowering language to fuel ....

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  • Thought without Action

    Thought without Action

    As many of you know, I just completed several days with Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker, among other titles. This quote from his seminar really resonated with me, “Thought without action destroys all potential.” How many times in our lives have we known what needs to be done, and how to do it, and yet we fail to take action on it? My answer is "too many times!!" What holds us back? Fear, doubt, insecurity? All of them? Would we take action if we knew we wouldn’t fail or be judged? Most likely! Our thoughts can push us towards amazing accomplishments. However, we MUST take action. Your thoughts serve a purpose. You can achieve your goal, but the ....

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  • Purpose?


    You were created on purpose for a purpose. Did you know that? You are here right now for a reason with the gifts and talents you have for a reason. You have a role to fulfill in this big world that no one else can fill. When my girls danced with The Grand Rapids Ballet Company, the Artistic Director would frequently remind every dancer how important their role was no matter how insignificant they thought it was. In Nutcracker, can you imagine a Mouse King with no mice? Or a Snow King and Queen with no snow corps dancers? It takes each and every dancer to make the scene happen effectively. You too, have that important role in this world. Whether you are the King or the corps, your gifts ....

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  • emPowered minds

    emPowered minds

    As I continue reflecting on TIME this year, I am recognizing how much time I waste. So, I have decided to become more mindful of what I am feeding my brain. I am purging the unnecessary, harmful, wasteful garbage from my daily living. I notice how much time I waste on social media, just scrolling, with no intention or purpose. I watch tv and movies that don’t entertain me and sometimes create unnecessary anxiety. I mindlessly play games or watch reels on my phone…all wasting time that I could use for productive, enjoyable, satisfying activities. I invite you to identify where you are wasting time and take action. Feed your mind and emotions with good, purposeful, entertaining ....

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  • TIME! by Raeanne

    TIME! by Raeanne

    “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey MacKay You have 8760 hours or 525,600 minutes in 2025. How will you use that time? Will you plan your time? Live it spontaneously? Prioritize a bucket list activity? Or waste it? The choice is yours. Our time is limited so let’s live out our time wisely, intentionally, and with presence. Time is now. Be present. Be intentional. Be wise. We only get 8760 hours this year, so let’s live 2025 with purpose. ....

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  • EmPowered Holiday

    EmPowered Holiday

    The Christmas holiday is just a short time away and we are all scrambling to get all our tasks done to make this the best Christmas ever. But are we missing opportunities to enjoy this holiday season by focusing on the hustle and bustle? I have been walking down memory lane with several of my massage clients this week, and what they remember most about past holidays are experiences. Not gifts. Not food. Not decorations. But spending time together with loved ones and sharing a fun experience like baking cookies, doing a puzzle, singing a special song, or playing a fun game. So, as we prepare for this holiday, let’s put our energy into being present in the moments, sharing ourselves ....

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  • WILLPOWER by Raeanne

    WILLPOWER by Raeanne

    The dictionary defines willpower as “control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.” Some might say that most of our bad habits are due to laziness or lack of willpower. Do you lack willpower? Are you searching for your willpower? Or are you trying to connect to this willpower you haven’t yet created? I believe we create our own willpower. The more you practice and use it, the better you get at using and creating more of it. It’s like when you train a muscle or a virtue. It gets stronger with each use. Intentionally focusing on my WHY is how I stay using and creating more of my own willpower. That’s where my inspiration, empowerment, and ....

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  • With A Grateful Heart

    With A Grateful Heart

    November is a month of reflection and Thanksgiving. As I sit here and reflect, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve the Hudsonville, Jenison, Allendale, and area communities for 11 years now through Get emPowered Fitness Studio. Reflecting on where we started and how far we have come has been heartwarming. Along with the strength we have gained from the challenges we have overcome. The people we have met and the friendships we have gained over the years are priceless. I dare to state that this is just the beginning! As we expand our services and our team, we look forward to serving more of our community in more ways. Our goal is always to empower everyone who walks through our ....

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  • Are You Sprinting a Marathon?

    Are You Sprinting a Marathon?

    When you decide to run a marathon, how do you start? You don’t go out and run 26.2 miles as fast as you can. But we tend to think we can do that when we set a new goal. We want and expect to achieve our goal in an instant. When we do this, one of two things happen. We either get burned out because we have depleted our energy or we get injured because our bodies aren’t ready for the demand we are asking of it. We also tend to forget that most of our growth in learning about ourselves comes from the process rather than the accomplishment itself. Here at GEFS, we train our clients with a progressive level teaching style. We start with the base of the move and progressively make ....

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